LIGO Document D1002872-v9

Flange Layout - H1 Horizontal Access Module1 (HAM 1)

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
19 Jan 2015, 13:12
This layout shows the flange type (A, B, C etc) used for the HAM chambers their position relative to the chamber and the connectors. It also lists the equipment that passes through each flange.

1) For aid with orientation of chamber and location of flanges on chamber, refer to AdvLIGO VE HAM4-H1, Vacuum Equipment Assembly, LIGO-D0901126

2) For a Summary of electrical feedthrough types and typical sub-flanges refer to LIGO-D1101775: aLIGO, ELECTRICAL FEEDTHROUGH TYPES, TYPICAL SUBFLANGES, AND PORT CONFIGURATIONS

3) Refer to LIGO-D1002892 (linked below) for the Flange Master Listing Summary

WHAM1 Flange layout pictures as of 07/18/2023 :
Which match the posted D1002872-v9. - BW/JK

Files in Document:
HAM flange
Notes and Changes:
V9 Incorporated the following updates:
-Description for D5-1C1, was: ISC - LSC_REFL RF PD
-Description for D5-2D1, was: ISC - LSC_REFL RF PD
-Description for D4-1C2, was: ISC - SPARE
-Description for D4-2D1, was: ISC - SPARE
-Description for D1-3C1, was: ISC - SPARE
-Description for D1-3C2, was: ISC - SPARE

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