LIGO Document P1200024-v16
- We report a search for gravitational waves from the inspiral, merger and ringdown (IMR) of binary black holes (BBH) with total mass between 25 and 100 solar masses, in data taken at the LIGO and Virgo observatories between July 7, 2009 and October 20, 2010. The maximum sensitive distance of the detectors over this period for a (20,20) Msun coalescence was 300 Mpc.
No gravitational wave signals were found. We thus report upper limits on the astrophysical coalescence rates of BBH as a function of the component masses for non-spinning components, and also evaluate the dependence of the search sensitivity on component spins aligned with the orbital angular momentum. We find an upper limit at 90% confidence on the coalescence rate of BBH with non-spinning components of mass between 19 and 28 Msun of 3.3 x 10^-7 mergers /Mpc^3 /yr.
- Other Files:
- Figure 1: Optimal horizon distances for S6-VSR2/3 (fig1_range_data.txt, 9.9 kB)
- Figure 2: Background triggers in long duration templates (H1_slidesnrchiq_EOBNR_NEAR_LININJ_DURATION_ABOVE_0P2_C...txt, 3.5 MB)
- Figure 2: Background triggers in short duration templates (H1_slidesnrchiq_EOBNR_FAR_A_LININJ_DURATION_BELOW_0P2_...txt, 230.2 kB)
- Figure 2: Simulated signal triggers in long duration templates (H1_injsnrchiq_EOBNR_NEAR_LININJ_DURATION_ABOVE_0P2_CAT...txt, 11.0 kB)
- Figure 2: Simulated signal triggers in short duration templates (H1_injsnrchiq_EOBNR_FAR_A_LININJ_DURATION_BELOW_0P2_CA...txt, 7.7 kB)
- Figure 3: Event rates by IFAR. (event_rates_by_ifar.txt, 3.5 kB)
- Figure 4: Event rates by SNR (long duration) (event_rates_by_snr_long_dur.txt, 3.5 kB)
- Figure 4: Event rates by SNR (short duration) (event_rates_by_snr_short_dur.txt, 3.5 kB)
- Figure 5: Average sensitive distance versus m1-m2 (average_range.txt, 1.3 kB)
- Figure 5: Combined upper limits versus m1-m2 (ul_eobnr.txt, 1.6 kB)
- Figure 6: Cumulative posterior distribution for 14-14Msun bin (cumulative_posterior_14Msun-14Msun.txt, 26.0 kB)
- Figure 6: Cumulative posterior distribution for 23-23Msun bin (cumulative_posterior_23Msun-23Msun.txt, 30.1 kB)
- Figure 6: Cumulative posterior distribution for 32-32Msun bin (cumulative_posterior_32Msun-32Msun.txt, 32.7 kB)
- Figure 6: Cumulative posterior distribution for 41-41Msun bin (cumulative_posterior_41Msun-41Msun.txt, 35.2 kB)
- Figure 7: Comparison of sensitivities to aligned, anti-aligned and non-spinning systems (chi_sensitivity.txt, 1.0 kB)
- Table 1: Summary of sensitive distances and upper limits (table1.txt, 2.2 kB)
- Version corresponding to Phys. Rev. D. publication
(published 23 January 2013)
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