Three of the files below contain data products in the form of posterior samples from the Bayesian parameter estimation analyses, in three different formats:
* high-mass-individual-events.tar.gz: samples from the high-mass event magnification analysis (Sec. 4 of the paper). These are provided in the numpy .npz format documented at and an example on how to use these files can be found in the included script.
* joint-PE.tar.gz: joint parameter estimation samples (Sec. 5.2 of the paper) from the two pipelines used in the paper. These are provided as hdf5 files, which can be read with any standard library for that format.
* microlensing.tar.gz: microlensing PE samples (Sec. 6 of the paper). These are provided as JSON files, which can be read with any standard library for that format.
The other files listed below contain "data behind the figure" for all figures included in the paper. These include plain-text (.txt and .dat) files, JSON files and numpy .npy files. For each figure, a script to reproduce the plot from these data files is included.
* figure_1.tar.gz
* figure_2.tar.gz
* figure_3.tar.gz
* figure_4.tar.gz
* figure_5.tar.gz
* figure_6.tar.gz
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