# Piro waveform generator # Fragmentation of collapsar disks for SN GW radiation # theta: colatitude # phi: azimuth #!/usr/bin/python import sys import numpy import pylab from pylab import * # constants msun = 1.98892e33 clite = 2.9979e10 ggrav = 6.6726e-8 factor = 1.0 * ggrav / clite**4 pi = 3.14159265358979e0 trd = 1./3. # Angular velocity courtesy of Kepler. def Omega(M,dist): omega = sqrt(ggrav * M / dist**3.) return omega # Mu: reduced mass def mu(M1,M2): mu = M1 * M2 / (M1 + M2) return mu # Chirp mass def Mchirp(M1,M2): Mchirp = mu(M1,M2)**(3./5.) * (M1+M2)**(2./5.) return Mchirp # Second derivative of the reduced mass quadrupole moment def Idotdot(M1,M2,dist,omega,time): fact = 2. * mu(M1,M2) * dist**2. * omega**2. Idotdot = zeros((3,3),float) Idotdot[0,0] = - cos(2.0*omega*time) Idotdot[0,1] = - sin(2.0*omega*time) Idotdot[0,2] = 0.0 Idotdot[1,0] = - sin(2.0*omega*time) Idotdot[1,1] = cos(2.0*omega*time) Idotdot[1,2] = 0.0 Idotdot[2,0] = 0.0 Idotdot[2,1] = 0.0 Idotdot[2,2] = 0.0 Idotdot = Idotdot * fact return Idotdot # GW and viscous times def Tgw(M1,M2,omega): tgw = (5./(64.*omega)) tgw = tgw * (ggrav * Mchirp(M1,M2)*omega / clite**3.)**(-5./3.) return tgw def Tv(alpha,eta,omega): tv = 1./(alpha * eta**2. * omega) return tv # Evolution of the orbital radius def Rdot(r,tgw,tv): rdot = - r/tgw - r/tv return rdot # Functions for the RK4 integration scheme # We evolve Risco, J, M simultaneously def diff(t,dat): r = dat rdot = Rdot(r,Tgw(Mbh,mch,Omega(Mbh,r)),Tv(alpha,eta,Omega(Mbh,r))) ret = rdot return ret def rk4(old,t,dt): k1 = diff(t,old) k2 = diff(t + 0.5*dt, old + 0.5*dt*k1) k3 = diff(t + 0.5*dt, old + 0.5*dt*k2) k4 = diff(t + dt, old + dt*k3) new = old + dt * (k1 + 2.*k2 + 2.*k3 + k4)/6. return new # Spherical harmonics def re_ylm_2(l,m,theta,phi): if l != 2: print "l != 2 not implemented! Good Bye!" sys.exit() if m < -2 or m > 2: print "m must be in [-2,2]! Good Bye!" sys.exit() if m == 0: ret = sqrt(15.0/32.0/pi) * sin(theta)**2 if m == 1: ret = sqrt(5.0/16.0/pi) * (sin(theta) + (1.0+cos(theta))) * cos(phi) if m == 2: ret = sqrt(5.0/64.0/pi) * (1.0+cos(theta))**2 * cos(2.0*phi) if m == -1: ret = sqrt(5.0/16.0/pi) * (sin(theta) + (1.0-cos(theta))) * cos(phi) if m == -2: ret = sqrt(5.0/64.0/pi) * (1.0-cos(theta))**2 * cos(2.0*phi) return ret def im_ylm_2(l,m,theta,phi): if l != 2: print "l != 2 not implemented! Good Bye!" sys.exit() if m < -2 or m > 2: print "m must be in [-2,2]! Good Bye!" sys.exit() if m == 0: ret = 0.0e0 if m == 1: ret = sqrt(5.0/16.0/pi) * (sin(theta) + (1.0+cos(theta))) * sin(phi) if m == 2: ret = sqrt(5.0/64.0/pi) * (1.0+cos(theta))**2 * sin(2.0*phi) if m == -1: ret = - sqrt(5.0/16.0/pi) * (sin(theta) + (1.0-cos(theta))) * sin(phi) if m == -2: ret = - sqrt(5.0/64.0/pi) * (1.0-cos(theta))**2 * sin(2.0*phi) return ret # Expansion parameters to get the (l,m) modes def re_Hlm(l,m,Idd): if l != 2: print "l != 2 not implemented! Good Bye!" sys.exit() if m < -2 or m > 2: print "m must be in [-2,2]! Good Bye!" sys.exit() if m == 0: ret = factor * sqrt(32*pi/15.0) * \ (Idd[2,2] - 0.5e0*(Idd[0,0] + Idd[1,1])) if m == 1: ret = - factor * sqrt(16*pi/5) * \ Idd[0,2] if m == 2: ret = factor * sqrt(4*pi/5) * \ (Idd[0,0] - Idd[1,1]) if m == -1: ret = factor * sqrt(16*pi/5) * \ Idd[0,2] if m == -2: ret = factor * sqrt(4.0*pi/5) * \ (Idd[0,0] - Idd[1,1]) return ret def im_Hlm(l,m,Idd): if l != 2: print "l != 2 not implemented! Good Bye!" sys.exit() if m < -2 or m > 2: print "m must be in [-2,2]! Good Bye!" sys.exit() if m == 0: ret = 0.0e0 if m == 1: ret = factor * sqrt(16*pi/5) * \ Idd[1,2] if m == 2: ret = factor * sqrt(4*pi/5) * \ -2 * Idd[0,1] if m == -1: ret = +factor * sqrt(16*pi/5) * \ Idd[1,2] if m == -2: ret = factor * sqrt(4.0*pi/5) * \ +2 * Idd[0,1] return ret # Useful function that gets hp, hx and returns instantaneous frequency def instfreq(hp,hx,dt): # Construct dot vectors (2nd order differencing) hpdot = [0.] hxdot = [0.] for i in range(1,len(hp)-1): hpdot.append((hp[i+1]-hp[i-1])*(1./(2.*dt))) hxdot.append((hx[i+1]-hx[i-1])*(1./(2.*dt))) hpdot.append(0.) hxdot.append(0.) # Compute frequency using the fact that # h(t) = A(t) e^(i Phi) = Re(h) + i Im(h) freq = [0.] for i in range(1,len(hp)): den = (hp[i]**2. + hx[i]**2) freq.append((-hxdot[i] * hp[i] + hpdot[i] * hx[i])/den) return freq # Let's have fun # parameters totaltime = 8. # seconds, duration dt = 6.1035e-05 # physical parameters Mbh = 8. * msun # mass of the central BH (3-10 Msun) #mch = 1. * msun # mass of the fragmented blob eta = 0.3 # H/r where H is the verical scale height of the torus alpha = 0.1 # viscosity (< 1) r0 = 100. * ggrav * Mbh /clite**2. # intial radius in grav. radii G Mbh/c2 D = 3.08568e18*10*1000 # 10 kpc risco = 6. * ggrav * Mbh /clite**2. rlightring = 3. * ggrav * Mbh /clite**2. fac = 0.2 mch = fac * (eta/0.5)**3. * Mbh/3. # sky position theta = 0.0 phi = 0.0 # Initial conditions R0 = r0 olddata = R0 print '.....................................' print 'Computing Piro waveforms' print 'mass of BH (Msun) =', Mbh/msun print 'mass of fragment (Msun) =', mch/msun print 'disk with alpha =', alpha, 'and eta =', eta print 'evolving the system for', totaltime, 'seconds' print '.....................................' filename = 'piroM' + str(int(Mbh/msun)) + 'eta' + str(eta) + 'fac' + str(fac) + '.dat' f1 = open('piro.dat','w') # File for testing and fun f2 = open(filename,'w') # File for actual output for xpipeline time = 0.0 # Variables to store Risco, J, M in case we want to plot them t = [time] rad = [R0] hplus = [0.] hcross = [0.] # M1 = Mbh, M2 = mch idotdot = Idotdot(Mbh,mch,R0,Omega(Mbh,R0),time) # Output file f1.write('Time \t Radius \t h+ \t hx') f1.write('\n') # Write to file initial conditions before we start evolving f1.write('\t'.join(str(col) for col in [time, R0, hplus[0], hcross[0]])) f1.write('\n') f2.write('\t'.join(str(col) for col in [time, hplus[0], hcross[0]])) f2.write('\n') # Integrate while (time < totaltime and R0 > 2.5*risco): # Evolve variables using Runge Kutta 4 newdata = rk4(olddata,time,dt) time += dt # Store data in variables t.append(time) rad.append(newdata) # Actualize variable to check whether we are too close to the isco R0 = newdata # Having evolved Risco, Jbh, Mbh, compute the mass quadrupole momentum idotdot = Idotdot(Mbh,mch,newdata,Omega(Mbh,newdata),time) # Compute gravitational radiation! h = 0.0 for m in [-2,-1,0,1,2]: cylm = complex(re_ylm_2(2,m,theta,phi), im_ylm_2(2,m,theta,phi)) Hlm = complex(re_Hlm(2,m,idotdot),im_Hlm(2,m,idotdot)) h = h + cylm * Hlm hp = h.real/D hx = h.imag/D hplus.append(hp) hcross.append(hx) # Print to file f1.write('\t'.join(str(col) for col in [time, newdata, newdata/(ggrav * Mbh /clite**2.), hp, hx, Omega(Mbh,newdata), Tgw(Mbh,mch,Omega(Mbh,newdata)), Tv(alpha,eta,Omega(Mbh,newdata))])) f1.write('\n') # Print to xpipeline file f2.write('\t'.join(str(col) for col in [time, hp, hx])) f2.write('\n') olddata = newdata f1.close() # Plotting results # Uncomment to see more plots amp=[] for i in range(len(hplus)): amp.append(sqrt(hplus[i]**2. + hcross[i]**2.)) #pylab.subplot(211) #pylab.plot(t,hplus,color='red') #plot(t,hcross,color='green') #pylab.plot(t,amp,color='black') #xlabel ('t (s)', size=16) #ylabel ('h+, hx, |h|', size=16) #pylab.subplot(212) pylab.plot(t,instfreq(hplus,hcross,dt),color='black') xlabel ('t (s)', size=16) ylabel ('f (Hz)', size=16) show() print "Done"