In the data files containing posterior samples, the masses are given directly in the source frame, accounting for redshift by dividing the measured "redshifted" masses by (1+z). Here, we have taken the redshift z=0.0099 to be constant across all samples, equal to the geocentric redshift of NGC 4993 at the time of the event, based on the MUSE/VLT measurement. Figure 1 data ----- * EoS-insensitive_posterior_samples.dat : posterior samples for source masses, tidal deformabilities and derived radii for the two NSs, using the EOS-insensitive relations method; Figure 1 shows 2-D joint posteriors of dimensionless tidal deformabilities (Lambda1, Lambda2) (columns 3 and 4) * Parametrized-EoS_maxmass_posterior_samples.dat : posterior samples for source masses, tidal deformabilities and radii for the two NSs, using the Parametrized-EOS method with the requirement that the EOS must support NS masses of 1.97 M_\odot; Figure 1 shows 2-D joint posteriors of dimensionless tidal deformabilities (Lambda1, Lambda2) (columns 3 and 4) * Parametrized-EoS_nomaxmass_posterior_samples.dat : posterior samples for source masses, tidal deformabilities and radii for the two NSs, using the Parametrized-EOS method without any requirement on the maximum mass supported by the EOS; Figure 1 shows 2-D joint posteriors of dimensionless tidal deformabilities (Lambda1, Lambda2) (columns 3 and 4) Figure 2 data ----- * Pressure_density_credible_levels.dat : symmetric 90% and 50% confidence intervals of (log10) pressure as a function of (log10) density, using the Parametrized-EOS method; both quantities are given in cgs units, density in g/cm^3, pressure in dyn/cm^2 * Parametrized-EoS_maxmass_EoS_samples.dat: posterior samples for gamma_i (the 4 spectral parameters of the spectral EOS decomposition) and the central pressure of each NS in cgs units. Obtained with Parametrized-EOS method with the maximum mass requirement * Parametrized-EoS_nomaxmass_EoS_samples.dat: posterior samples for gamma_i (the 4 spectral parameters of the spectral EOS decomposition) and the central pressure of each NS in cgs units. Obtained with Parametrized-EOS method without the maximum mass requirement Figure 3 data ----- * EoS-insensitive_posterior_samples.dat : posterior samples for source masses, tidal deformabilities and derived radii for the two NSs, using the EOS-insensitive relations method; Figure 3 shows 2-D joint posteriors of radii [km] and intrinsic masses [M_\odot] for each NS (m1_source_frame_Msun, Radius1_km), (m2_source_frame_Msun, Radius2_km) (columns 1-5, 2-6) * Parametrized-EoS_maxmass_posterior_samples.dat : posterior samples for source masses, tidal deformabilities and radii for the two NSs, using the Parametrized-EOS method with the requirement that the EOS must support NS masses of 1.97 M_\odot; Figure 3 shows 2-D joint posteriors of radii [km] and intrinsic masses [M_\odot] for each NS (m1_source_frame_Msun, Radius1_km), (m2_source_frame_Msun, Radius2_km) (columns 1-5, 2-6) * Parametrized-EoS_nomaxmass_posterior_samples.dat : posterior samples for source masses, tidal deformabilities and radii for the two NSs, using the Parametrized-EOS method without any requirement on the maximum mass supported by the EOS; Figure 3 shows 2-D joint posteriors of radii [km] and intrinsic masses [M_\odot] for each NS (m1_source_frame_Msun, Radius1_km), (m2_source_frame_Msun, Radius2_km) (columns 1-5, 2-6)