LIGO Document T1600104-v3

Chevron UV Baffle for Ion Pumps - Black Coatings Research

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
This report summarizes the result of the UV absorption capabilities measurement of coating samples for the chevron baffle.

The attached document / information is being prepared for publication, in the mean time you will need this key to fully interpret attached data: -
1) BB = bead blasted
2) Undisclosed #3 = magic black (Acktar)
3) Undisclosed #4 = fractal black (Acktar)
4) Structural coating = laser black (Epner)

v1 - CIT measurement at 200 – 800 nm and planning higher energy measurements
v2 - use to be a public version of v1
v3 - high energy measurement at ALS Berkley

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Notes and Changes:
Added new measurements at high energy (report draft). For full details on samples used contact lead author.
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