For the L1 data for events S190424ao, S190513bm, S190514n, and S190924h, these channels have names
2) L1:DCS-CALIB_STRAIN_CLEAN_C01_glitch 16384
3) L1:DCS-CALIB_STRAIN_CLEAN_C01_T1700406_v4 16384
For the L1 data for events S190413ac, S190503bf, and S190701ah, the BayesWave glitch subtraction algorithm was applied multiple times to remove glitches. For these events the channel names are
1) L1:DCS-CALIB_STRAIN_CLEAN_C01_T1700406_v4 16384
2) L1:DCS-CALIB_STRAIN_CLEAN_C01_T1700406_v4_glitch 16384
3) L1:DCS-CALIB_STRAIN_CLEAN_C01_T1700406_v4_T1700406_v4 16384
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