LIGO-Number | Title | Author(s) | Topic(s) | Last Updated |
P070099-x0 | Diffractive beam splitter characterization via a power-recycled interferometer | Roman Schnabel et al. | Public relations Document Migration |
18 Nov 2009 |
P0900254-v1 | Building blocks for future detectors: Silicon test masses and 1550 nm laser light | Roman Schnabel et al. | Detector |
30 Oct 2009 |
G060366-x0 | Nano-structured Optics for GW Detectors | A Bunkowski et al. | Document Migration |
24 Jul 2006 |
G050204-x0 | Low-loss Grating for Coupling to a High-Finesse Cavity - LSC Meeting, March 20-23, 2005, Livingston LA | Peter Beyersdorf et al. | Document Migration |
25 Mar 2005 |
G050051-x0 | Low-loss Grating for Coupling to a High-Finesse Cavity - 2005 Aspen Winter Conference | Peter Beyersdorf et al. | Document Migration |
01 Feb 2005 |
G040386-x0 | All-reflective Optics for Gravitational Wave Detectors - LSC Meeting, August 16th-19th, 2004, Hanford WA | Peter Beyersdorf et al. | Document Migration |
19 Aug 2004 |
Number of documents found: 6
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